Internet speed will increase in a jiffy, the real fun of 5G will come after this setting
Smartphone Internet Booster: Some people have started getting 5G internet on their smartphones, but even after getting 5G service, people are not getting good speed, most people do not know the reason why this is happening. If you are also facing a similar problem, then today we are going to tell you about those settings, due to which you can get the real speed of 5G internet in your smartphone.
For good internet speed, it is important that you close some apps running in the background because they continue to consume data and that is the reason why the internet runs slow.
Never while running the internet, you should not put three to four files on downloading simultaneously, otherwise the files will not be able to be downloaded, nor will you be able to surf the web.
There is another very effective way to increase the internet speed and that is to delete the extra files present in the smartphone and work to release its storage, this will reduce the pressure on the head and the internet speed will be good.
If you have downloaded unnecessary apps in your smartphone, then you should delete them immediately because unnecessary apps reduce the speed of the internet running on your smartphone.
First of all, if you have not selected the 5G network by going to the network setting of the SIM card, then you should select it because you will not get 5G connectivity until you switch from 4G network to 5G network. Actually for 5G connectivity it is necessary that first of all you choose 5G network.