Friday, December 31, 2021



National Initiative for School Heads' and Teachers' Holistic Advancement

NISHTHA : National Initiative for School Heads' and Teachers' Holistic Advancement

NISHTHA is a capacity building programme for "Improving Quality of School Education through Integrated Teacher Training". It aims to build competencies among all the teachers and school principals at the elementary stage. The functionaries (at the state, district, block, cluster level) shall be trained in an integrated manner on learning outcomes, school based assessment, learner – centred pedagogy, new initiatives in education, addressing diverse needs of children through multiple pedagogies, etc. This will be organized by constituting National Resource Groups (NRGs) and State Resource Groups (SRGs) at the National and the State level who will be training 42 lakhs teachers subsequently. A robust portal/Management Information System (MIS) for delivery of the training, monitoring and support mechanism will also be infused with this capacity building initiative.

Nishtha 3.0 Join Link Below (BATCH 1)

(5) GJ 5 'Vidhya Pravesh' Ane 'Balvatika' ne Samajava

(6) GJ 6 Payani Bhasha Ane Saxarata

GJ_9_પાયાનું સંખ્યાજ્ઞાન(NISHTHA FLN)

GJ_10_પાયાની સાક્ષરતા અને સંખ્યાજ્ઞાન માટે શાળા નેતૃત્વ(NISHTHA FLN)

GJ_11_ICT નું શીખવા, શીખવવા અને મૂલ્યાંકનમાં સંકલન(NISHTHA FLN)

GJ_12_પાયાના તબક્કા માટે રમકડાં આધારિત શિક્ષણશાસ્ત્ર(NISHTHA FLN)
















Nishtha 3.0 Answer Keys

Module 1 Click Here

Module 2 Click Here

Module 3 Click Here

Module 3 Click Here YouTube Link

Module 4 Click Here

Module 4 Click Here YouTube Link

Module 5 Click Here

Module 6 Click Here

Module 7 Click Here

Module 8 Click Here

Module 9 Click Here

Module 10 Click Here

Module 11 Click Here

Module 12 Click Here

Tuesday, December 28, 2021



केंद्र प्रायोजित योजना "राष्ट्रीय संसाधन-सह-मेरिट छात्रवृत्ति योजना (NMMSS)" मई 2008 में शुरू की गई थी। इसे मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय के तहत स्कूल शिक्षा और साक्षरता विभाग द्वारा लागू किया गया है। इस योजना का उद्देश्य आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर वर्ग मेधावी छात्रों को I मानक में छोड़ने के लिए छात्रवृत्ति प्रदान करना और उन्हें माध्यमिक स्तर पर अपनी पढ़ाई जारी रखने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करना है।

रुपये की छात्रवृत्ति। 12000 / - प्रति वर्ष (रु। 1000 / - प्रति माह) प्रति छात्र प्रति वर्ष राज्य सरकार, सरकारी सहायता प्राप्त और स्थानीय संस्थान स्कूलों में नौवीं से बारहवीं कक्षा के लिए चुने गए छात्रों को विभिन्न राज्यों / संघ राज्य क्षेत्रों के लिए छात्रवृत्ति कोटा दिया जाता है। छात्रों के सभी स्रोतों से माता-पिता की आय रु। 1,50,000 / - छात्रवृत्ति के लिए पात्र है। राज्य सरकार के मानदंडों के अनुसार आरक्षित। छात्र छात्रवृत्ति पुरस्कार राज्य सरकारों द्वारा आयोजित परीक्षाओं के माध्यम से चुने जाते हैं। भारतीय स्टेट बैंक द्वारा छात्रों के बैंक खातों में तिमाही आधार पर छात्रवृत्ति प्रदान की जाती है।


"केन्द्रीय विद्यालय" और "जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय" में पढ़ने वाले छात्र इस योजना के तहत छात्रवृत्ति पाने के हकदार नहीं हैं। इसी प्रकार, राज्य सरकार के संस्थानों द्वारा संचालित आवासीय विद्यालयों में पढ़ने वाले छात्र, जहाँ बोर्डिंग, आवास और शिक्षा जैसी सुविधाएं दी जाती हैं और निजी विद्यालयों में पढ़ने वाले छात्र भी इस योजना के तहत छात्रवृत्ति के लिए पात्र नहीं हैं।

NMMS - उद्देश्य

मई 2008 में शुरू की गई, NMMS छात्रवृत्ति का उद्देश्य उज्ज्वल और वंचित छात्रों को अपनी माध्यमिक और उच्च माध्यमिक शिक्षा को पूरा करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करना है ताकि कक्षा 8 के बाद के स्कूलों से ड्रॉपआउट दरों में सुधार हो सके। प्रत्येक वर्ष, कक्षा 9 से 12 तक दो छात्रों के लिए भाग लिया जाता है। सरकारी स्कूलों में मानक 9 से 12 तक के नियमित छात्रों के लिए राष्ट्रीय मीन्स-कम-मेरिट छात्रवृत्ति के लाभ के लिए राज्य स्तर पर नियमित चयन परीक्षण।

NMMS - पुरस्कार

N.M.M.S. चयनित छात्रों को हर साल INR प्रदान किया जाता है। 12000, यानी प्रति माह 1000 1000 की दर से कुल 100,000 छात्रवृत्ति वितरित करता है। नेशनल मीन्स-कम-मेरिट छात्रवृत्ति के तहत, छात्रवृत्ति राशि का भुगतान एक बार भारतीय स्टेट बैंक (एसबीआई) द्वारा किया जाता है। यह राशि सीधे सार्वजनिक वित्तीय प्रबंधन प्रणाली (PFMS) के माध्यम से छात्र के खाते में स्थानांतरित की जाती है। प्रत्येक राज्य और केंद्रशासित प्रदेश को आवंटित छात्रवृत्ति की संख्या की गणना कक्षा 7 और 8 में छात्रों के नामांकन और संबंधित राज्यों में उनकी आबादी के आधार पर की जाती है। NMMS राशि का विवरण नीचे प्रकाशित किया गया है।

9 वीं कक्षा के छात्र एन.एस.पी. पोर्टल पर पंजीकरण के बाद शैक्षणिक वर्ष के लिए एक रु। 12000 के लिए छात्रवृत्ति राशि प्राप्त करता है।

छात्र को उसकी उच्च माध्यमिक शिक्षा (कक्षा 12) पूरी होने तक हर साल छात्रवृत्ति का नवीनीकरण किया जाता है, हालांकि उम्मीदवार को हर साल उच्च कक्षा में स्पष्ट पदोन्नति मिलती है।

योग्यता मानक

  • केवल भारत के प्रतिष्ठित और जरूरतमंद छात्रों के लिए लागू, यह NMMS छात्रवृत्ति योजना सभी आवेदकों को छात्रवृत्ति के लिए आयोजित चयन परीक्षा के लिए पात्रता मानदंडों को पूरा करने की अपेक्षा करती है।
  • इस MCM छात्रवृत्ति के लिए आवेदन करने के इच्छुक उम्मीदवार नियमित रूप से Std में अध्ययनरत छात्र होना चाहिए। 8 Std से स्पष्ट पदोन्नति पाने के बाद। 7 कम से कम 55% या समकक्ष ग्रेड के साथ।
  • उम्मीदवारों को सरकारी / स्थानीय संस्थानों / सरकारी सहायता प्राप्त स्कूलों से शिक्षा प्राप्त करनी चाहिए।
  • उच्च माध्यमिक विद्यालय में छात्रवृत्ति जारी रखने के लिए, उम्मीदवार को 10 वीं कक्षा की बोर्ड परीक्षा में कम से कम 60% अंक प्राप्त करने होंगे।
  • साथ ही, वे छात्र जो एनवीएस, केवीएस, सैनिक स्कूल और निजी स्कूलों में दाखिला लेते हैं, वे एनएमएमएस छात्रवृत्ति के लिए पात्र नहीं हैं।

यदि आप NMMS के लिए आवेदन करना चाहते हैं, तो आपको यह सुनिश्चित करना होगा कि आप इस NMMS छात्रवृत्ति के लिए सभी पात्रता मानदंडों को पूरा करें। छात्र राष्ट्रीय छात्रवृत्ति पोर्टल के माध्यम से ऑनलाइन फॉर्म एनएमएमएस आवेदन कर सकते हैं। छात्रों को अपने स्कूलों के अधिकारियों द्वारा एनएमएमएस आवेदन पत्र की उपलब्धता के बारे में भी बताया जाता है। भरे गए Nline NMMS आवेदन जमा करने की अंतिम तिथि राज्य नोडल अधिकारी द्वारा हर साल ली जाती है। छात्र भरे हुए फॉर्म को आधिकारिक वेबसाइट से डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं या अपने स्कूलों से प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

ऑफ़लाइन फ्लाई मोड के मामले में, छात्रों को आवश्यक दस्तावेजों के साथ पूरा एनएमएमएस आवेदन पत्र स्कूल में जमा करना होगा, जहां वे पढ़ रहे हैं। जिन उम्मीदवारों के फॉर्म स्वीकार किए गए हैं, वे परीक्षा से कुछ दिन पहले संबंधित स्कूलों से प्रवेश पत्र एकत्र कर सकेंगे। NMMS आवेदन पत्र को सफलतापूर्वक जमा करने के लिए नीचे दिए गए निर्देशों का पालन करें:

ऑनलाइन उम्मीदवार ऑनलाइन मोड के माध्यम से NMMS आवेदन पत्र प्राप्त कर सकते हैं, और आवश्यक दस्तावेजों के साथ आवेदन पत्र की दो प्रमाणित हार्ड कॉपी संबंधित स्कूल में जमा करनी होगी। स्कूल के प्रमुख को नोडल स्कूलों को आवेदन भेजना होगा और स्कूल रिकॉर्ड के लिए इसकी एक प्रति अपने पास रखनी होगी।

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Vaccines to be offered to teenagers aged 15 to 18 in India from New Year

Vaccines to be offered to teenagers aged 15 to 18 in India from New Year

Both doses of the vaccine have been given to more than 60 per cent of the population in India eligible for the corona vaccine.

At a time when the new variant of the Corona, Omikro, is gaining traction around the world, all countries are working to stop its transition. Under such circumstances, it is imperative that citizens living in different countries be fully vaccinated. According to research on Omicron, although this variant is not lethal, the infection spreads rapidly, in which case vaccination of children is essential to prevent its transmission to children.

80 million teenagers benefit

Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressing the nation on Saturday night said that people between the ages of 15 and 18 will be vaccinated against corona from January 3. This will benefit 80 million teenagers between the ages of 15 and 18 in the country. In addition, from January 10, all front line workers, including health workers, will be given a 'Precaution Dose'.

The Drug Controller General of India (DGCI) has approved for emergency use the Covid-19 vaccine for children manufactured by Bharat Biotech. With the approval of DGCI, Bharat Biotech vaccine can now be given to 12 to 18 year olds. However, a decision on the use of this vaccine for young children is still pending. So let's take a look at the vaccinations of children all over the world so far ...

More than 100 countries around the world are currently vaccinating children against corana

A report has been prepared by UNICEF by studying the 115 million cases of Corana reported in 105 countries of the world. According to the report, only 16 percent of corona cases are responsible for coronary heart disease. Apart from this most of the children who suffer from corona infection do not show any symptoms of corona. Three pediatric vaccines are currently approved by the World Health Organization (WHO). These vaccines include the Pfizer-Biotech vaccine, the Synopharm vaccine and the Synovac vaccine. Some countries offer two full doses of the Pfizer-Biotech vaccine to children and adults. While some countries offer a single dose of the vaccine. According to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, clinical trials of 20 vaccines for individuals under the age of 18 are currently underway.

In May, the European Medicines Agency approved Pfizer's vaccine for children aged 12-15. However, since then there have been differences of opinion in various European countries.

United Kingdom (UK): United Kingdom which is not currently part of the European Union. It has approved a single dose of Pfizer-Biotech vaccine for children aged 12 to 15 years.

Denmark and Spain: Denmark (12 to 15 years old) and Spain (12 to 19 years old) have vaccinated most children in the country. All of these children have been given a single dose of the vaccine.

Italy: Italy approves vaccine for children aged 5-11 on December 1.

Czech Republic: The Czech Republic has ordered vaccines for 700,000 children. It will be given to 5-11 year olds.

Hungary: Since May, Hungary has started vaccinating 16 to 18 year olds.

Russia: Russia will make the new vaccine available to children aged 12-17 by the end of December.

Switzerland: Switzerland approved Pfizer vaccine for children aged 12 to 15 in June. The modern vaccine for children of the same age was later approved two months later.

France: France has given a single dose of the vaccine to 66 per cent of children aged 12 to 17 living in the country. Both doses of the vaccine have been given to 52% of the same age group.

Germany: In June, German experts said that only children between the ages of 12 and 15 who are in poor health should be vaccinated. The transition to the Delta variant, however, accelerated much later in August. The vaccine was administered to all those over 12 years of age.

Sweden: Only children between the ages of 12 and 15 who have lung disease were vaccinated in Sweden. Apart from this, children who have lung, asthma or serious health problems were also allowed to be vaccinated.

Norway: Norway is not part of the European Union. It has recently been decided to vaccinate children between the ages of 12 and 15. However, children of this age are given only the first dose. The decision on whether to give a second dose will be made later.

United States and Canada

In May, the United States and Canada approved the Pfizer vaccine for children 12 years of age and older. Immediately after that the children were vaccinated. As part of this, children of this age were given two doses of the vaccine within three weeks.

By the end of July, 42 percent of children between the ages of 12 and 17 had received the first dose of the Pfizer or Mordana vaccine. While 32% also took a second dose of Pfizer or Modern. The growing number of cases of delta variants in the United States has accelerated the drive to vaccinate children in the country.

According to a recent report by the Center for Disease Control, in states where vaccination was low, the incidence of coronary heart disease was 3.4 to 3.7 times higher. Some school boards have made vaccination compulsory for children over the age of 12, in favor of starting classes.

Pfizer has begun testing its vaccine on young children. As part of this, data on testing of children aged 5 to 11 came in September. Data on trials for children aged 6 months to 4 years are expected by the end of the year.

Bahrain: Bahrain has approved synoform vaccine for children aged 3-11 years.

Israel, Oman and Saudi Arabia: Israel, Oman and Saudi Arabia have approved Pfizer vaccine for children. It can be given to children up to 5 years. The vaccine has been approved for emergency use in Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates for the same age.

Jordan, Morocco, Guinea, Nabia, South Africa: These countries have approved vaccination for children 12 years of age and older.

Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe has approved vaccinations for children 14 years of age and older.

Egypt: Egypt said in November that it would start vaccinating children aged 15-18 with the Pfizer vaccine.

China: China approves synoform and synovac vaccines for pediatric vaccination. The vaccine can also be given to a three-year-old child.

Hong Kong: A three-year-old child living in Hong Kong can be vaccinated. In November alone, the synovic vaccine was given to three-year-olds.

SINGAPORE: The age limit for vaccination of children in Singapore is likely to be reduced to 5-11 years from next January. A decision on the age limit in Japan is expected in February. While Malaysia is currently planning to buy vaccines for children of this age.

INDONESIA: Indonesia has approved sonovac vaccine for children over the age of six.

India: India allows Zydus Cadillac vaccine for emergency use in children over 12 years of age. So on December 25, the Drug Controller General of India (DGCI) approved the Covid-19 vaccine for children, developed by Bharat Biotech, for emergency use. With the approval of DGCI, Bharat Biotech vaccine can now be given to 12 to 18 year olds. However, a decision on the use of the vaccine for young children is yet to be made.

South Korea, Philippines, Philippines: These countries are vaccinating children 12 years of age and older. However, Australia will start vaccinating young children from January. Children will be vaccinated against Pfizer in Australia from 10 January.

Vietnam: Vietnam has started vaccinating children aged 16 and 17 from October.

Cuba: A 2-year-old child can be vaccinated in Cuba. The country's target is to vaccinate 90 per cent of the population by the end of December.

Venezuela: Venezuela said in November that it was vaccinating a 2- to 11-year-old child with the Cuban Sobre 2 vaccine.

Argentina: A three-year-old child can also be vaccinated in Argentina. Here children are given synoform vaccine for vaccination.

Click here to read news report

Brazil: In June, Brazil approved the Pfizer vaccine for 12-year-old children. However, Brazil's health regulator said in October that its directors had received death threats for approving vaccinations for children under the age of five.

Colombia: Colombia has approved Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna, Cinopharm and Johnson & Johnson vaccines for vaccinating children 12 and older.

Ecuador: In Ecuador, children 6 years of age or older can be vaccinated. Synovac vaccine is used for this.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

SSC Exam 2022 : Sanskrit Blueprint Prashna patra parirup, Paper Style @

SSC Exam 2022 : Sanskrit Blueprint Prashna patra parirup, Paper Style @

- Covers Gujarati and English Medium for GSEB APP .

- Covers Previous Year Board Paper in All 10,11,12 Sci & Commerce in PDF format for download in your mobile.

- Covers All Subjects in GSEB Std. 10 i.e. Maths,Science,Social Study,English(FL & SL),Gujarati(FL & SL),Sanskrit,Hindi,Computer

- Covers GSEB Std 11,12 Science, i.e. Maths,Physics,Chemistry,Biology

- Covers All Subject in Std 12 Commerde i.e. Account,Commerce and Management,Economics,S.P.,Statistics,Computer etc.

- Having questionbank of morethan 25000 questions for both eng & gujarati medium.

- It covers both Texbook MCQ as well as Pervious Year Question Paper MCQ, Very Short Answer (VSA), Long Answer (LA) and MCQs by Experts.


- It has two modes , i.e. Learning Modes and Exam Modes

- At End Result will be displayed along with Right and Wrong Answer.

The Gujarat Smart Education App helps the students to secure more marks who are studying in SSC and 11 & 12 Science & Commerce Stream in GSEB. This gseb app covers both English and Gujarati Medium GSEB Students along with GSEB Results. In this App we have tried to give students to improve their educational knowledge. By using this App, Students can improve their educational knowledge and secure more marks in their final examinations.

Currently this App provides MCQs of textbook, MCQs of previous year question paper and MCQs of extra practice and all the subject details of Standard 10 i.e. Maths, Science,Social Science,English,Gujarati,Sanskrit As well as in Standard 11,12 Physics, chemistry , Biology and Maths.

In this gseb app, for more practice for students, we are adding questions on regular basis. So the student can study maximum questions answers.

The GSEB APP have two modes...
1) Learn Mode : In this mode students can do practice of different subjects as per their requirement

2) Exam Mode : In Exam Mode the students can select Number of Questions for the GSEB ALL MCQ Question Bank and can do exam practice.

At the end of practice student can get the summary also. They can update their knowledge by getting the current answers of their wrong answers.

Overall the “Gujarat Smart Education” is a great app for the GSEB Students who wants to secure maximum marks in their examinations for Gujarat Education Board

SSC  Exam 2022: Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSHEB) has made certain changes in Blue Print, Paper Style and Sample Question Papers for std10th and 12th (science stream and General Stream). Therefore students here we are rendering you new pattern study material so that you can begin your preparation right now.

Brief Detail For Sanskrut paper style Blue Print GSEB SSC  Exam 2022

  • Exam Body ::: Gujarat Secondary Education board 
  • Exam Date::: March 2022
  • Category::: Paper Style, blu print, Model paper
  • Subject::: Sanskrut 
  • Standard::: SSC  class 10th
Read Also :::: 
  1. Maths Blue print Paper style SSC Exam 2022
  2. Science Blue print Paper style SSC Exam 2022
  3. English Blue print Paper style SSC Exam 2022
  4. Gujarati Blue print Paper style SSC Exam 2022
  5. Hindi Blue print Paper style SSC Exam 2022
  6. Sanskrut Blue print Paper style SSC Exam 2022
  7. Social Science Blue print Paper style SSC Exam 2022

Paper Style Blue print For SSC Exam Sanskrut 2022

  • Hetulaxi Prashno (Objective Questions ))  :: 16 Questions :; 16 marks
  • Very Short Answer Questions - VSA ::: 10 Questions :; 10 marks
  • Short Answer Questions-1  ::: 12 Questions :; 24 marks
  • Short Answer Questions-2  ::: 2 Questions :; 6 marks
  • Long Answer Questions ::: 6 Questions :; 24  marks
  • Total  Questions :::  46   total: 80 marks
  • time ::: 3 Hours,,,   Total : 80 marks

Download SSC sanskrIt Paper style From here

SSC Exam 2022 : Gujarati Blueprint Prashna patra parirup, Paper Style @

SSC Exam 2022 : Gujarati Blueprint Prashna patra parirup, Paper Style @

GSEB Board Declared Blue print Paper style Prashn patr parirup For upcoming SSC Exam march 2022 for Gujarati subject.

- Covers Gujarati and English Medium for GSEB APP .

- Covers Previous Year Board Paper in All 10,11,12 Sci & Commerce in PDF format for download in your mobile.

- Covers All Subjects in GSEB Std. 10 i.e. Maths,Science,Social Study,English(FL & SL),Gujarati(FL & SL),Sanskrit,Hindi,Computer

- Covers GSEB Std 11,12 Science, i.e. Maths,Physics,Chemistry,Biology

- Covers All Subject in Std 12 Commerde i.e. Account,Commerce and Management,Economics,S.P.,Statistics,Computer etc.

- Having questionbank of morethan 25000 questions for both eng & gujarati medium.

- It covers both Texbook MCQ as well as Pervious Year Question Paper MCQ, Very Short Answer (VSA), Long Answer (LA) and MCQs by Experts.


- It has two modes , i.e. Learning Modes and Exam Modes

- At End Result will be displayed along with Right and Wrong Answer.

The Gujarat Smart Education App helps the students to secure more marks who are studying in SSC and 11 & 12 Science & Commerce Stream in GSEB. This gseb app covers both English and Gujarati Medium GSEB Students along with GSEB Results. In this App we have tried to give students to improve their educational knowledge. By using this App, Students can improve their educational knowledge and secure more marks in their final examinations.

Currently this App provides MCQs of textbook, MCQs of previous year question paper and MCQs of extra practice and all the subject details of Standard 10 i.e. Maths, Science,Social Science,English,Gujarati,Sanskrit As well as in Standard 11,12 Physics, chemistry , Biology and Maths.

In this gseb app, for more practice for students, we are adding questions on regular basis. So the student can study maximum questions answers.

The GSEB APP have two modes...
1) Learn Mode : In this mode students can do practice of different subjects as per their requirement

2) Exam Mode : In Exam Mode the students can select Number of Questions for the GSEB ALL MCQ Question Bank and can do exam practice.

At the end of practice student can get the summary also. They can update their knowledge by getting the current answers of their wrong answers.

Overall the “Gujarat Smart Education” is a great app for the GSEB Students who wants to secure maximum marks in their examinations for Gujarat Education Board

GSEB Blueprint 2022: Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board (GSHEB) has made certain changes in Blue Print, Paper Style and Sample Question Papers for std10th and 12th (science stream and General Stream). Therefore students here we are rendering you new pattern study material so that you can begin your preparation right now.

Brief Detail For English paper style Blue Print GSEB SSC Exam 2022

  • Exam Body ::: Gujarat Secondary Education board 
  • Exam Date::: march 2022
  • Category::: Paper Style, blu print, Model paper
  • Subject::: Gujarati 
  • Standard::: SSC  class 10th

Paper Style Blue print For SSC Exam Maths 2020

  • Hetulaxi Prashno (Objective Questions ))  :: 16 Questions :; 16 marks
  • Very Short Answer Questions - VSA ::: 16 Questions :; 16 marks
  • Short Answer Questions  ::: 6 Questions :; 12 marks
  • Long Answer Questions ::: 7 Questions :; 28  marks
  • Essay type  Questions ::: 1 Questions :; 8  marks
  • Total  Questions :::  46   total: 80 marks
  • time ::: 3 Hours,,,   Total : 80 marks
  • Gadhy vibhag :: 20 marks
  • Padhy vibhag :: 20 marks
  • Vyakaran::  20 marks
  • Arthgrahan:: 20 marks