You are at home, but you have to go out to get milk-vegetables and rations, what to do to prevent corona from entering in such a situation? Learn the complete guidelines
Corona's second wave has broken all records. The central and state governments are trying to ensure that most people stay at home. Lockdowns are in place in many cities, but even people sitting in the four walls have to go out to get rations, milk, vegetables-fruits and medicine. In such a situation they are worried that the
coronavirus may not come into the house with them or with the object. According to research conducted at the University of Florida in the United States, 18% of corona patients are also infecting their family members, compared to 7.5% in SARS and only 4.7% in MERS. So know the guidelines of the American Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
to avoid corona while living at home ...
Home delivery
- Make sure masks and gloves are worn at the time of delivery. If this does not happen, do not take delivery and complain to the company concerned.
- Throw away cardboard or plastic packaging when food or groceries arrive at home.
- Throw the packing material in the trash can kept outside the house.
- Take things out with clean hands and bring them inside the house.
- Wash or sanitize your hands thoroughly with soap.
Rations or groceries
- Make a list of items: The risk at the store occurs when showing the item to the shopkeeper or at the time of billing, so make a list of the item to be purchased.
- Also wear gloves: Wear disposable gloves in addition to masks and distillation, so that if you touch something during the transaction, it will prevent the virus from entering the house.
- Avoid cash or card payments: Pay online after billing. Be careful to avoid card payments as well. If you make a cash transaction, give or take with gloved hands.
- Choose the right time: Choose the time to shop when the shop is less crowded.
Return home with the item
- Keep a counter or table near the entrance to the house. Keep it here for a while before bringing something and if it is a packed item disinfect it.
- If the food is in a tin or plastic container, wash it with soap or water.
- Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly with tap water.
- Do not wash fruits-vegetables, mutton-chicken with soap or bleach or sanitizer. It can hurt.
- Clean the mobile phone cover by soaking it in alcohol base solution for Rs.
- Wash or sanitize your hands and feet with soap. Take a bath if possible.
- Wash your clothes with detergent and water. You can also wash these clothes with other clothes.
- Avoid shopping other than essentials.
Home service or repair
Before a plumber, electrician or engineer comes home
- Check local administration guidelines for what types of services are allowed.
- If someone in the home is sick or elderly, isolate them in one of the rooms before the service provider arrives.
- Communicate as many issues as possible, so that the service provider has less time at home.
- Work information and pictures can be sent by phone or email.
- Talk about taking carona over the phone with caution, such as wearing a mask during a visit, checking your body temperature before entering, or talking about whether or not you are allowed to use the restroom at home.
When the service provider arrives
- Ask the service provider to go inside wearing a mask.
- If he does not have a mask or does not wear a mask properly, give him a three-layer disposable mask.
- Wear a mask yourself and all members of the family.
- Keep a distance of at least 6 feet with the service provider.
- All family members should at least talk to the service provider.
- Try to make a touchless payment
- If you have to make a cash transaction, wash your hands thoroughly with soap immediately after the transaction or sanitize your hands with a sanitizer containing 60% alcohol.
- Sanitize all necessary surfaces after completion of work.
Before going to see a doctor or show up to buy medicine
- Talk to your doctor online, on the phone, or by e-mail.
- Use telemedicine if available.
- Ask your doctor to follow all your procedures that are not urgently needed.
Inside a hospital or clinic
- If you have symptoms of corona, tell your doctor first.
- Properly wear a mask on the road to the clinic or hospital.
- Do not touch any surface, counter, railing etc.
- Do not touch your face, eyes, nose or mouth.
- Try not to use the public washroom or hospital washroom during the visit.
- Keep a distance of six feet with all the people.
- Pay by touchless mode. If you have made a card or cash payment, sanitize your hands later.
At a medical store or over the counter
- Try to take all the medicines together after consulting a doctor.
- Purchase first aid box medications in a single visit and other members of the household routinely take medications, such as BP medications.
- Use an e-commerce website that supplies medicine online.
- Keep a distance from the counter. Keep a special distance from others who are buying medicine.